Thank you for your interest in joining our community.

Once you register and become an Adept of the JoF Academy, you will be undergoing a trial that takes between 3-5 weeks. You will be evaluated by the Academy Instructors (but members aswell) in various ways, such as behavior, attitude, server activity etc. Personality is the major factor, your ingame skill is not important. After sufficient amount of time, the decision about your acceptance into JoF will be made at the Council Meeting held every other saturday (once per two weeks).

JoF Academy uses a web app (contained in our "JoF Hub" environment) to keep track of all the adepts and manage their trial. Upon agreeing to the community rules and submitting your application, your own account to this web app will be created.

You will be able to log in into the app with your chosen username and password and see your progress, information, and more - most importantly our messages to you and news regarding your trial. Even though there won't be anything new to see most of the time, you will be required to log in to your account atleast once every 3 days. Failing to log in into the app for more than 3 days will result into automatic application denial. In case you won't be able to do so due to limited internet access, vacation etc., it is possible to freeze your trial or letting us know.

Server activity is also important, make sure you spend some time on the server for us to get to know you. Evenings and weekends are the most active.

Should you have any questions, check the FAQ, if you don't find the answer to your question there, feel free to contact us in your adept panel or ingame.


Creating duplicate accounts for any reason is strictly prohibited and may result in automatic application denial and/or a ban. If you already registered to JoFA at some point and want to apply again, you can do so in your original account. In case you forgot your password, use the "Forgot password" button on the login page or contant me (Darren) on our forums (link) or by email at Registering again to bypass a reapply ban will result in a permanent ban.

Good luck and may the force be with you!

As any other place JoF is nothing without rules and guidelines. Total anarchy is something no one wants and the rules listed below are put in place to help maintain a friendly and controlled environment for guests as well as members of the community. The rules apply to primarily members and adepts. We cannot ask visitors on the server to leave and read the rules listed here. Rather the rules there are specified ingame and are made brief by the usage of /AMMOTD. It is expected that every member and guest thus follow and respect the rules. Before complaining about a rule please remember that the sole purpose of the rules are to ensure a fun and friendly environment for every player. In the event of a disagreement or uncertainty of a specific set of rules, please contact an admin as soon as possible so that he or she can clear out any confusion. You may do so by either messaging a specific admin on the server at the given time or use the "/amsay" command to let every admin located on the server at the time know. Keep in mind that we are human and while rules act as guidelines that we try to enforce at times, sometimes they may end up going unnoticed. If you do not accept or agree with our rules, feel free to move on elsewhere.
§ 1: Respect and behavior Please treat any visitor with respect even if you do not necessarily enjoy his or her company. Mocking or picking, or generally treating other people bad, is not tolerated and will have consequences if noticed. Treating other people with respect is the golden rule, and will ensure a nice and friendly environment where everyone can enjoy spending their time and have fun. We would appreciate if you would keep any childish behaviour and remarks away from the game, as it serves no purpose at all except annoying other players. We do not tolerate players that purposely annoys, mocks, picks on etc. other players. This is something that we take very serious, as our aim is to provide a nice and friendly gaming environment for everyone. Please keep in mind that minors may be represented on the server and/or forums, so please refrain from using any offensive language such as swearing etc. Sexism, racism, spamming etc. are not allowed either and will in the event of sufficient usage be dealt with. All we ask is for you to think about your actions before carrying them out. Think before you act. If you are in doubt whether or not something is allowed please contact an admin.
§ 2: Visitation of other clans/communities Please seek to always try to wear {JoF} tags when playing on any server. Please do not trash the communitys image by acting poorly. Members are required to follow the visited servers' rules and general good etiquette. Please keep in mind, that you, while on other foreign servers or domains, are representative of the community - think before you act.
§ 3: Impersonating Impersonating someone else that you are not is not allowed. Hiding your identity from our own members is to be avoided. Be yourself, and act accordingly. Please show respect by not acting like someone else. Anyone using your computer and thus your IP will end up being your responsibility as we see that person as you regardless of any potential siblings or friends sharing the computer.
§ 4: Activity Please aim to spend a sufficient amount of your time with your fellow members within the forums and on the server. We do not require members to spends certain amount of time in the server, but please keep in mind that no one wants to be a part of an inactive community. You are however required to spend a moment at least once a week by checking our forums. Spending more time on another server or forum within JKA than our own will be considered as multi-clanning.
§ 5: Admin abusement It is advised not to abuse your admin privileges at any given moment. If you by any means witness an admin abusing the powers entrusted with them please ask them politely to cease the abusing, and if that does not work please collect evidence and contact a higher standing member as soon as possible. Being an admin on another server that belongs to another community/clan/team will be considered as multi-clanning.
§ 6: Exploitation and cheating Please do not make use of any kind of cheats or the likes. Any and all commands, scripts and bugs are a part of Jedi Academy and we cannot combat that. But methods gaining you an unfair advantage over your opponent are not allowed. An example of this are client side tools that have illegal injections and will result in instant removal from the community upon detection. They are frequently checked through RCON also, so beware. The only approved clients are as follows: BaseJKA, JA+, JA++, OpenJK, EternalJK, JaPRO, MB2, Hydroball, Lugormod, Makermod, TarsciiMadness.
§ 7: Communicating Please make use of the English language as the primary way of communicating on the server. We tolerate the use of foreign languages as long as they are not annoying the rest of the players on the server. If you are asked at any time to cease the use of foreign languages please do so. You are advised not to make use of any offensive language. Partaking in rants and vocal insults against the community, its members and/or leadership will not be tolerated.
§ 8: Steam Steam is the primary channel of communication within the community. Please, if you do not already have a Steam account, or use one for that matter, please create an account and download the program.
§ 9: Laming The widely known general definition of laming is when a player purposely attacks another unarmed player. This is NOT the definition of laming in JoF. Laming in JoF is when you purposely attack another player that is not willing and/or wanting to fight back. Our definition of the rule of laming is that you are NOT allowed to attack someone who does not wish to fight. The simple way of ensuring this is to ask that person for a duel. Otherwise a verbal agreement or visual cues are necessary where that person is clearly seen to want to fight back. A saber being turned on is NOT an invite for a fight! Attack players without care at your own risk as it will be punished accordingly!
§ 10: Free-for-all It is advised that you do not initiate or participate in any undergoing FFA without the consensus of an admin due to the risk of accidental laming happening.
§ 11: Recruitment We do not tolerate any form of non-JoF recruitment on our servers or in the community in general. Even as a non-JoF member, this will be severely punished.
§ 12: Multi-clanning Being a part of more than one clan/community is not tolerated at JoF. When you apply to JoF it is expected that you are not currently affiliated with another JKA-clan/community. Wearing other tags and/or spending more time on another server will be seen as breaking this rule and can lead to instant removal from the community.
§ 13: Being a part of a team Being a part of a team/group while being in JoF is not tolerated. When you apply to JoF it is expected that you are only affiliated with JoF in JKA and nothing else. Wearing other tags and/or spending more time on another server will be seen as breaking this rule and can lead to instant removal from the community.
§ 14: The Forms Please do not seek to imitate or copy any of the taught out lightsaber dueling forms without basing it off of given knowledge by the teachers themselves. As a student or master of a form, you are under no circumstances to share the teachings without been given the approval of the founders of the forms (leaders of {JoF}). This is to ensure no false or misunderstood technique is to spread and that the forms remain inside the community. This is done by ensuring that members who get to learn the forms have given back to the community and contributed to a better future. Recording teachers and/or students does very little for your own growth and is of little concern but the lack of respect that follows this will not go unnoticed. In some cases, punishment may be dealt to the point where you may never learn a form from us. The reality is that these forms cannot be leaked for the fact that the level of skill that is required to maintain them and most effectively pass them on only efficiently exists within our community. As a form student, you do not only receive one teacher in that particular form but you receive access to lessons where other teachers may attend within every form. Techniques, methods and theory are all important but they are ultimately not enough maximize growth. The level of skill represents how far you can reach and if that skill cap is low (as seen in most other clans/communities/groups) - Your own progress will be slower. The environment is key and we proud ourselves in having the best of the best to offer in that regard. This is all provided that dueling skill is of your interest. If not, that is more than acceptable as JoF is, (and will always be) first and foremost: A social community.
§ 15: Name, rank and tags Upon joining the community, please seek to ALWAYS use JoF as a tag, before your name. You must also wear your rank, either as the official abbreviation OR the full rank name (before or after name does not matter but it must be after the tag). Failure to follow this by adding own alterations to ranks/tags or avoiding the tag entirely will lead to a warning, followed by a temporary ban and eventually, you will be removed from our community. Also always seek to use your name in a way that others know who you are by looking at the roster. If you wish to change your name, you can always do that by requesting it in the panel or at "Ask The Council" on the main forums if you are a member.
§ 16: Mods and advertisement You are NOT allowed to link to another JA community website or another JA server IP that is not owned by JoF. This applies on our servers and applies no matter what, even if someone is privately asking you to do it. Under no circumstances are you to try and reduce the activity of our server by asking others to go elsewhere within the game. It can be due to you disliking the gameplay or the members here. Regardless of the reason, this is NOT tolerated. If you apply to join JoF, you are applying to be a member of the community and what it stands for. This includes the server and the mod we play on. Making private remarks to go to any other server, be it JA+, JA++, a base server or MB2/Lugormod when you are fresh off the Academy will be seen as an attempt to sabotage our activity by moving players away from our server. Even as a member, active efforts to bring members elsewhere will be considered as sabotage and swiftly punished. Likewise any public remarks about partaking in events not hosted by us and/or playing on another server is to be completely avoided. This is not tolerated. If you do not enjoy the time on our own server, you should not be a part of us.
§ 17: Badmouthing the community Spreading negative comments among other members and outsiders (in private, eg PMs, other servers, discord channels etc) will not be tolerated. If you do not have the decency to speak to the leadership and voice your opinion in a civilized and respectable manner, you should not be a part of us. This is more on people who may end up becoming members through passing JoFA by putting up a good face. It is for those who for some reason may have disagreements that they do not present to us in the form of community suggestions, but rather adopt a more rogue approach that ends up harming us. People who on a regular basis poison the community by being identified as unhappy yet remaining and being a JoF member at the same time. Among all the efforts of running JoF, the last thing we need are members who are badmouthing, spreading discontent and disobedience and therefore creating unnecessary drama from within that will erupt later down the road. If you are in this community, you are here to help better it for the future and you trust that the leadership shares the exact same goal.
§ 18: Chat and voice channels As a member of the community, you are committing to always trying to uphold all forms of community content and discussions on the community's main forum and within the server's in-game chat. You may not, under any circumstance, seek to create an external channel of communications that will house a large sum of members from this community, as doing so will negatively impact the overall forum and server activity. Voice channels can also have a similar effect, as this will ultimately cause members to neglect the in-game text chat. This is especially true when speaking of programs such as Discord and TeamSpeak. Thus, we strongly advise everyone to try and not exceed a small group (e.g. no more than ten) members at most within any chat or voice channel. You must always ensure that the community comes first and you understand that the forums is the core central hub for all means of communication with your fellow members.

I have read and agree to all the listed rules.

Thank you for submitting your JoF Academy application.

You can now head to App and log in with the credentials you registered with.

Good luck with your trial and may the force be with you!